Master Pinterest with these Time-Saving Tools

Pinterest is an amazing tool for bloggers. Since its launch in March of 2010, the image-based platform quickly grew in popularity. In just two years after its launch, it was ranked third in popularity of all the social networks. Since then, Pinterest has become a powerhouse in marketing. It drives traffic like a search engine

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pinterest strategies using tailwind

Pinterest Strategy: Batching for Consistency

It’s no secret—lots of great bloggers utilize batching to maximize their time and efficiency!  The idea is to group tasks together—focusing your energy on one specific job.  For example, some people write out all their blog posts for a month (or more): they batch the writing into a block of time.  Then they spend another

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Ten Tips To Create Amazing Instagram Content

Move over, Facebook! Instagram has claimed the title of most popular social networking platform, and it’s easy to see why. Photo-based content is fun and easy to review, and Instagram doesn’t seem to encourage the same bad behavior and arguments you can find all over Facebook and other social media sites, making it a fairly

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how to grow your instagram audience in 5 tips

Five Smart Tips To Grow Your Instagram Audience

Having an Instagram account with a respectable following can open a lot of doors. Whether you’re looking to build your personal brand, grow your business, become an influencer or achieve some combination of the three, you’ll want to put a little time and energy into attracting the audience that’ll propel your vision forward.   Want

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Social Media trends to watch for

5 Social Media Trends to Watch in 2018

Social media can be noisy – which means if you want your message to get across, you need to keep it super-relevant. In order to do that, you’ll want to stay on top of the ever-changing trends. If you want to start 2018 out with a bang, consider where trends are currently pointing and start

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Instagram Hashtags for Homeschool Bloggers

Instagram Hashtags for Homeschool Bloggers

In the blogging world, hashtags are key! Instagram is notorious for hashtags and, as a blogger, being able to use them effectively and efficiently can be a great way to get noticed by partners and grow your Instagram community. Just how many hashtags are there? Millions! But, the great thing about hashtags for homeschool bloggers

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5 Places to Promote Your Blog Posts

5 Places to Promote Your Blog Posts

Ninety-five percent of blogs fail, and the main reason isn’t because of lack of content. The reason so many blogs fail before they even get started is that they don’t get enough readership! If you are looking for more exposure on your site, it may be time to do a little promotion. Here are five

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I had no blog income, but I was still making a few hundred dollars from Instagram sponsored posts each month. Your story might be different, but the end game is still the same. We want to reach people, grow, and make some income. If you're still wondering why bloggers should use Instagram, keep reading.

3 Reasons Bloggers Should Use Instagram

Some four(?) years ago, before I ever started blogging, I was completely enveloped in the world of Instagram. I had been using my personal account as a virtual journal; using photos to capture the everyday moments of our lives and captions to give a vivid account of them. I really believe all bloggers should use

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Blogging Tips: How to Increase Pageviews and Drive Down Promotion Costs with Targeted Facebook Campaigns

Increase Pageviews and Drive Down Promotion Costs

My biggest surprise as a new blogger: Blogging is so much than writing that perfect post!  Pouring out your heart and soul into a blog post or product is just the beginning!  I quickly learned to get your work in front of the right audience—well, that’s a whole other beast!  Because, let’s face it—we want

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5 Proven Ways to Connect with your Facebook Audience

5 Tips for Connecting with Your Facebook Audience

Admit it. You get a little excited when you post something that gets hundreds or thousands of likes, shares, and comments on Facebook. Is there a way to do this on a regular basis? The short answer is yes. There are specific things that you can do to increase your engagement on Facebook. Keep in

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4 Weeks to More Traffic Blogging Challenge

4 Weeks to More Traffic Blogging Challenge

Do you write amazing posts, but can’t figure out how to get people to actually read them? Has your blog traffic hit a plateau? Have recent Facebook and Pinterest algorithm caused a decrease in your monthly pageviews? Are you ready to kick your blog traffic up a few notches? Perhaps, all you need is some

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15 Hashtags to Reach Homeschoolers

If you’re active on Twitter or Instagram the use of popular, related hashtags is key! Hashtags help you find, and get noticed by, a specific demographic. Use the 15 hashtags below to connect and converse with Twitter and Instagram’s homeschool community. 15 Hashtags to Reach Homeschoolers #Homeschool – you’ll find curriculum reviews, advice and even weekly

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6 Simple Ways to Build Your Blogging Community

6 Simple Ways to Build Your Blog Community

Have you been trying to build your blog following, but seem to be hitting a brick wall? The most important thing you can remember about building your blog community is that it takes time. There’s a big blog world out there. Be patient and give your blog a chance to grow! Check out these 6

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Tips for being an introverted blogger in a very social world

Confessions of The Introverted Homeschool Blogger

Introverts can be successful in carving out a place for themselves, even in the non-stop conversation of social media, by blogging with their unique social style in mind. Most of us are naturally interested in what makes people tick, and when we can use that information to understand ourselves and others, it’s a very good

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