Have you been trying to build your blog following, but seem to be hitting a brick wall?
The most important thing you can remember about building your blog community is that it takes time. There’s a big blog world out there. Be patient and give your blog a chance to grow!
Check out these 6 surefire ways to build your blog community:
#1 – Offer great content!
The key to growing your blog community is quality, consistent content! That’s why people visit your blog. That’s why people tell their friends about your blog. That’s why they subscribe to your email list. It’s all about the content…and if you aren’t providing exceptional content, you can’t expect to have exceptional followers!
#2 – Seek out others within your niche.
Connect with the people who are talking about the topics you write about. Find these pages on Facebook. Search for relevant hashtags on Instagram and Twitter and follow others within in your niche. Interact with their posts. Social media is social.
#3 – Share the love.
It’s not just about you. Be sure to share posts from fellow bloggers via social media. Blogging is one of those things where you get what you put into it. Share and be shared!
#4 – Get involved in community.
Find a Facebook blogging group and get involved. Don’t just join and run! Invest some time in the group. Get to know others by joining discussions and visiting the blogs of those you meet. The Homeschool Blogger Network Facebook group is a great place to start!
#5 – Focus on the social media platform that generates the most traffic.
Social media is a bit overwhelming at times. There are so many choices and never enough time in the day to keep up with all of it. Try picking one or two social media platforms {ideally the ones that generates the most traffic for you} and making the most of it. Give these platforms all you’ve got. Follow others, share, tweet, like, or comment your heart out; just focus on one or two platforms at a time and make the connections matter.
#6 – Avoid Follow Back Requests.
Don’t be the blogger who begs for others to follow back. Follow or subscribe to a blog because you enjoy reading it, not because you’re looking for return followers.
In the end, building your blog community is like building any other relationship. Get to know others and let them get to know you!
This post was written in 2014 by Adrienne for HomeschoolBlogging.com. It was updated, edited, and re-published in 2018 by Heather Bowen, HomeschoolBlogging.com owner.