5 Places to Promote Your Blog Posts

5 Places to Promote Your Blog Posts

Ninety-five percent of blogs fail, and the main reason isn’t because of lack of content. The reason so many blogs fail before they even get started is that they don’t get enough readership! If you are looking for more exposure on your site, it may be time to do a little promotion. Here are five

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Why You Need a Blogging Group

Blogging is hard work! You are working to grow your blog, spending precious hours to write posts, create images, and promote your content. Yet, you are finding that it is really difficult to market your blog alone. You might not have a budget to hire someone to help you. You might have questions about technical

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How to Create a Media Kit for your Blog or Website

How to Create a Media Kit

Have you ever wondered, “How do I create a media kit?” Media kits are useful in the blogging world as you seek to grow your blog, work with brands, and network with other bloggers, but creating a media can seem a bit overwhelming. In this post, I hope to cover the basics of creating a

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How to Build a Relationship with Potential Sponsors

5 Tips to Build Relationships With Potential Sponsors

Today I want to share with you five tips that have helped me build relationships with several of my favorite homeschool companies and achieve sponsorship on various levels. I remember the day that I obeyed God’s call to become a blogger. I really didn’t want to do it, however I knew that God was leading

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How to Pitch a Business for Sponsorship on your Blog

How to Pitch to Businesses for Sponsorship on Your Blog

Brands are finally beginning to notice that brand recognition and product promotion is best done with the help of a blogger. Selling to homesteaders who live in large cities? There’s a blog for that. Need an audience of women over 50 who travel? There’s a blog for that. How about moms who cook from scratch

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As a blogger, should you work for money or product? Here are a few ways to decide.

Blogging for Money or Product: The Win-Win Situation Method

There is much talk of whether or not bloggers should work with companies for money or for product.  Many are of the mindset that bloggers spend a lot of time writing posts and promoting product and deserve to be paid in lieu of or in addition to any product the company they are working with

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How to Write and Pitch the Perfect Guest Post

How to Write and Pitch the Perfect Guest Post

“Dear Blogger, Please let me guest post on your blog.” If you have been blogging very long, you’ve gotten an email similar to the one above from someone who has obviously never read your blog.  They say things like, “I’m trying to build my resume’.” or “I think my content would fit nicely with your

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6 easy steps to follow to rock your next guest post!

How to Rock a Guest Post

Writing a guest post can be such a great way to grow your own blog’s following {just one of the many perks of guest posting}. But there are some “rules” that you want to follow to really rock your guest post. 1. Know the audience and niche of the blogger for which you’re writing To

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5 Reasons You Should Be Guest Posting {no matter how long you've been blogging}

5 Reasons You Should Be Guest Posting

If you’re a reader of blogs, you’ve seen guest posts. We all have. But did you know guest posting is a key element to blogging success? Whatever place or level of blogging you’re at, guest posting offers big benefits to you. 5 Reasons You Should Be Guest Posting 1. You’ll be seen by a larger

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How to Write Amazing Product Reviews

So, You Want To Write Reviews

Curriculum vendors sending you hundreds of dollars worth of stuff for free and all you’ve got to do is post about it on your blog? Sounds like a good gig, but there’s much more to writing reviews than that. Writing quality reviews requires an investment of time on your part (and often your children’s part),

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Valid Reasons Why Companies Should Pay Bloggers for Reviews

Why Companies Should Pay for Reviews

This isn’t going to be a very popular post with the business crowd, but it has to be said and explained because I have heard and seen so much confusion over the topic of paying for reviews on blogs. It is a blogger’s prerogative whether or not they charge for reviewing a product.  Many bloggers

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Tips for being an introverted blogger in a very social world

Confessions of The Introverted Homeschool Blogger

Introverts can be successful in carving out a place for themselves, even in the non-stop conversation of social media, by blogging with their unique social style in mind. Most of us are naturally interested in what makes people tick, and when we can use that information to understand ourselves and others, it’s a very good

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How Much Time Product Review Really Take

Warning: Product Reviews Take Time

Dear XYZ Company, I am so glad you asked me to review your product; however, I must tell you a few things about how product reviews work and why your review will not be up on my blog next week or maybe even next month. First of all, if your product is as fantastic as

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Attending a convention as a blogger? Here is a great list of do's and don'ts

Homeschool Convention Bloggers and What You Need to Know

For the past few years, homeschool conventions and bloggers have joined forces to bring awareness for the various conventions that are hosted across the US. This venture goes beyond sponsors and guest posts.  It now stretches beyond the screen bringing bloggers and social media influencers into the heart of the convention with: blogger meet-ups conversations

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The real reasons why homeschool companies need bloggers

Why Homeschool Companies Need Bloggers

Our world is changing.  The way we send and receive information is changing right along with it.  In this day and age, homeschool companies cannot afford to ignore the internet and social media. They also can’t afford to ignore bloggers as one of their greatest online resources.   Bloggers have reach. Bloggers know the social

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