Creating a Blogging Routine for Success

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Routine is always big when it comes to balancing a home. Yet, as a blogger balance is something that we can seem to place on the back burner. It’s hard to remember that a strong routine needs to be in place in order succeed in both homeschooling and blogging. We know we need it and yet over and over again we hear from our fellow homeschooling bloggers about how they are crumbling under the pressure and dropping the ball on several areas of their home lives. Let’s face it, sometimes our online lives and our at home lives collide if we aren’t careful.  The question is how do we create a solid routine that keeps this collision from happening all the time?


Creating a Routine for Success

  • Create an overall list: What are things that have to be done daily, weekly, monthly and even seasonally? Write them all down to make one giant list. This list will help you make a schedule that will help you create a routine that will fit your family’s needs. After all, each family is different, every website is different which means every routine is going to look different.
  • Designate times for work, family, and homeschooling: Having set times in place actually will help with productivity in all areas. It helps to keep you focused on the tasks at hand. The trick is to leave work strictly in the work time zone and homeschooling in the homeschooling zone because both of these areas can consume all your time if you allow it.
  • Pull in all the family to help: Almost everyone can help in your home to make your routine work. You may even find that they have been wanting to help but were unsure how.
  • Outsource some of your online work: Consider hiring a virtual assistant. Yes, it requires you to take on paying someone but really you can’t afford not to. In order to turn out amazing content, balance your home and homeschooling you need a little extra help. This can be small tasks like someone creating graphics to huge tasks like taking over all your social media accounts.
  • Remember that no routine is fail-proof: There will be days that all the various areas of your life will collide, you will have some days that not everything will get done, and you will have days when you feel as though you can’t keep up. We all do. We can only do the best that we can. Tomorrow is a new day, we can tweak our schedules and we can try again.

Setting up a routine to balance your homeschooling and website life can be a grueling task but it is certainly a task that you can not skip out on.

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