Why Homeschool Companies Need Bloggers

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Our world is changing.  The way we send and receive information is changing right along with it.  In this day and age, homeschool companies cannot afford to ignore the internet and social media.

They also can’t afford to ignore bloggers as one of their greatest online resources.

The real reasons why homeschool companies need bloggers


Bloggers have reach.

Bloggers know the social media world and what makes it tick because they are the producers and the consumers.  They know the Twitter hashtags, the ins and out of Facebook and Pinterest, how to StumbleUpon and how to capture a story on Instagram.  Working with bloggers puts your company in front of hundreds to thousands of people every single day.

Bloggers have reader loyalty.

Every blogger is unique and so is the “voice” of their blog.  Their readers come to hear that voice and homeschool bloggers do a fantastic job of connecting with those readers.  Because of that connection, readers truly listen to what their favorite bloggers have to say.  Finding bloggers who love your products and then finding ways to work with them is key to giving your company strength in the marketplace.

Bloggers know how to write.

There are reviews and then there are REVIEWS of your product.  You know the difference.  The first is rather boring and tends to be completely skipped over by readers.  Sure, it links to your site and covers all the bases, but no one really reads it.  Then, there are REVIEWS!  These are the ones where bloggers creatively weave your product into an amazing post that everyone wants to read!  When bloggers are given creative license, they take your product, put their voice behind it, and make it sing.

Bloggers are the heart of homeschooling.

As a company, you want great Search Engine Optimization (SEO).  However, it is important you look beyond SEO and meet the heart of the consumer.  In the homeschooling business, perhaps more than any other, you MUST reach the consumer’s heart because homeschoolers are rarely impulsive and always frugal; therefore, they will research your company for hours before making a purchase.  They want to know who you are, what you stand for, and what others are saying about you.  All the SEO in the world doesn’t compare to the honest, thoughtful post of a homeschool blogger.

No one knows your audience better than your audience themselves.  Gain the hearts of bloggers and you will gain the heart of the consumer!



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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Lisa Nehring

    Love this article because it’s true! Homeschooling is an “organic” market and who better to reach people than those who know it best?

  2. Michelle Cannon

    Amen! I learned my way around homeschooling through blogs, then became a professional homeschool blogger, myself.

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