How To Create A Shutdown Routine

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Do you have a shutdown routine at the end of the day? I recently started implementing a routine in the evening that has been immensely helpful. Before I had a routine, I was going to bed terribly stressed. My mind would be floating with all the incomplete, undone tasks, which led to a sleepless night. When you’re a homeschooling and work from home mom, there is a myriad of tasks that can pull you in many different directions. So having a shutdown routine at the end of the day just like having a routine for the morning can help you function better.


how to create a shutdown routine

Here are 6 steps to create a shutdown routine.

1) Break off big weekly goals into bite sizes pieces for each day.

Part of ending the day on a good note is how you start each day. I used to make these big goals to meet daily, which was just not feasible. So now, I make an attainable goal for the week and then chunk it into small tasks for each day.

2) Check off tasks that were completed today

Look through your tasks for the day and check off the ones that you already completed (school and/or work). I love seeing check marks on my task/objective sheet. It gives such a feeling of satisfaction. Pay attention to any specific tasks that aren’t done and needs to be completed today so you don’t have thoughts lingering around in your head. Complete the most important task that needs your attention right away whether it’s lesson planning for the next day or working on a blog graphic.

3) Create an action plan for tomorrow

Creating an action plan the night before for the next day helps me relax at the end of the day. Writing what you need to tackle the next day, relieves so much stress and helps you enjoy your evening. When you write things down, there’s no guesswork or wasting time in the morning. This goes for homeschool and work.

4) Shut down all the open windows on your computer

Close all the open windows on your computer in the night. It’s a sign of work is done and you can start fresh in the morning. It keeps you focused and productive on the task for the day.

5) Clean up your workspace

No one likes to wake up to a messy work or school area. I don’t know about you, but I can’t perform well if I’m surrounded by clutter. Decluttering your workspace, table and homeschool area at the end of each day helps you be more efficient and productive. No more wasting time the next day looking for things.

6) Relax

Ahh, now it’s time to relax. Find something that relaxes you like listening to music, reading a book, taking a warm bath and get some me time. Work is officially done for the day and it’s time to wind down.

Having a shutdown routine at the end of the day will help you sleep better at night, think more clearly and be more focused.

How do you end your day?

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