Things to Consider Before Setting up Multiple Blogs

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Perhaps you run a blog that talks about multiple niches, or you’ve been debating setting up multiple blogs to earn more money. If you’re thinking about setting up multiple blogs, it doesn’t really matter the reason why. What does matter is that you consider the following things before setting up multiple blogs.

Different Target Audience

While you can run one blog with multiple topics, sometimes you need to venture off into a second or third blog when the target audience is different for each subject. If you find that your target audience or readership goals are completely different, then having multiple blogs will make the most sense. The best way to determine this is to ask yourself if your current audience would enjoy the new content you’re thinking about writing. If they won’t enjoy it, then you should create a secondary blog to share this other niche based content.

What’s the Purpose?

If you’re considering starting a secondary blog and uncertain if you should have multiple blogs, well the second thing to consider is the purpose of your new content. For example, if you’re running a lifestyle or entertainment blog but want to start blogging about educational stuff, such as teaching others how to do something, well that educational component may not fit well with your current audience on your lifestyle blog that is unless you’re teaching them how to decorate their home or fix something around the house.

Evaluate the Niche

Be sure to evaluate your niche of content for your blog, then think about the niche that your new content will fall under. Should your two niches be combined or is it rather unrealistic to combine the two? While some bloggers can combine two niches together and become successful, there are some topics that simply need to be separate for they have a different target audience and different purposes.

It will be hard to market a blog that covers too many broad range topics, it’s best to create multiple blogs if you’re running into a conflict between the niches you’re covering.

Struggling with determining your niche? Let me help you! I’ve helped dozens of bloggers develop a plan to successfully launch their blog! You can find out more about my coaching services HERE!

Will You Use a Different Tone?

Lastly, if you’re thinking about creating new content that perhaps is different than your current blog niche, you’ll need to consider if the new content is going to be written with a different tone. This tone is known as your voice. Readers have grown accustomed to your blog’s voice and how you write content, it’s important to think about the tone of your new niche before combining with your current blog. If your tone is going to be different in nature, then, by all means, you need to set up a secondary blog.

Running one blog is hard work, adding more than one to your plate can prove to be quite overwhelming. Be sure to consider all of the items I addressed today before you start setting up multiple blogs of your own.


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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Anne Campbell

    I have been thinking about starting a second blog that will be on a completely unrelated topic from my main one, but it seems overwhelming to juggle two at a time. Thank you for these tips!

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