How to Pitch to Businesses for Sponsorship on Your Blog

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Brands are finally beginning to notice that brand recognition and product promotion is best done with the help of a blogger.

Selling to homesteaders who live in large cities? There’s a blog for that. Need an audience of women over 50 who travel? There’s a blog for that. How about moms who cook from scratch with healthy ingredients? There are many blogs for that.

Eventually businesses will refocus their wasted marketing dollars away from Google Adwords and Facebook ads and work directly with bloggers. It might just be up to you, the blogger, to help show them the way.

How to Pitch a Business for Sponsorship on your Blog

Here are a few tips to make the successful pitch to a business:

1. Try to keep the email short. The first sentence or two should specifically state which product you are interested in for you or a family member. (Hint: businesses like to know that they can solve your problem, so state the problem and tell why you think their product could fix it). If you’ve already used the product and know it’s a great fit for your blog, state that.

2. Describe your typical reader/audience. It’s best to make sure the product(s) fit your audience.

3. Talk about what you can do for the business in your blog post (including representing the company on social media, etc.). If the business hasn’t worked with bloggers before, emphasize the benefits (targeted audience, audience trusts a blogger’s recommendations, large reach through social media, backlinks to company website, etc.)

4. Mention your numbers and growth – no need to outline every number, but feel free to emphasize the high points.

5. Pitch to 5 more companies using the same outline. Here’s an example of a pitch I received, with a few minor changes I made to it to make it more relevant :

Dear Renee,

I am very interested in reviewing your Beesilk lotion. I have dry skin that’s painful right now with cracked heels from walking barefoot in the summer. I think your lotion could help.

Would you be interested in mailing me some products to try for the sake of a review (and potentially a giveaway if you would like) of your products on my blog? In addition to the blog post, I will take photos and promote your products across Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

I blog at www.<insertblogname>.com. My site is geared toward natural, organic, healthy mamas. My main demographic is 25-35 and they love all things simple, natural, and WAHM made. I have 3,000 email subscribers and 2300 Facebook fans; my blog has grown quickly since using Pinterest.

Would you please contact me if you are interested? I also have other advertising options available at very affordable rates. I would be happy to send you more information too!

Thanks for your consideration, and please let me know either way!

Sincerely, Blogger

Notice that the same email could be used multiple times by only changing the first paragraph.

Although you may be turned down, don’t take it personally. The business may not be set up to work with bloggers, or you’re asking at a busy time, or they feel you don’t have the numbers they’re looking for. That’s why choosing a few companies to work with gives you a better chance that one will be a great fit.

Now it’s time to target some businesses, and make your pitch!

This is a guest post written by Renee Harris, the owner of MadeOn Skin Care, a small business start up that grew rapidly when she began working as a sponsor for targeted blogs.


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