5 Questions to Ask Before Purchasing a Blogging Course

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Blogging education, it seems like everyone talks about it, especially in the beginning.  Blogging is not the way to become an overnight millionaire so any expenditure, no matter how small, can seem extreme in the beginning.  You definitely don’t want to waste money on a course that won’t be beneficial or practical to your business.  So today I’ve decided to share with you five questions to ask before purchasing a blogging course.

1).  Do you have the time?

Purchasing a blogging education course will offer no value if you don’t have the proper amount of time to devote to it.  You will find that several classes provide lifetime access.  I love this feature because I can go back anytime and review the information.  I will often go back and “retake” the course months later.  As I continuously grow, and my community needs change, I often need the refresher.

However, the instructors in these courses are usually only available for a limited amount of time.  In my experience, the access to these instructors is often the most valuable part of the course.  If you go in without the time to devote to the class, you often miss out on this vital piece of the puzzle.  Many course assignments also give you access to feedback from other bloggers in the course with you.  This is a great way to get feedback on your content in a private setting.

2).  Do you have the money, and if so is this the best way to spend it?

Blogging courses can be expensive, especially when you are working on a limited income.  Before purchasing one be sure that you can actually afford it.  Not only can you afford it but also will it be the best use of your resources?  A course on graphic design would be an excellent investment for a blogger, but would it be great if you had to give up something like your social media scheduler to pay for it?  Absolutely not.  Be sure you examine not only your out of pocket costs, but also the value compared to other resources that you may need to spend your money on. 

3). Can you find it somewhere else for free?

This slightly goes along with number 2, but I feel like it still deserves its own space.  I often see courses advertised that promise to teach me how to create a Pinterest pin, or (insert whatever new idea here.)  While these are great and could be helpful EVENTUALLY, these are not priorities on where I spend my money.  I can quickly learn to create a Pinterest pin using Canva tutorials or YouTube.  In the beginning, tackle the small stuff for free.  Instead, spend your money on courses that help you set up your blog, grow your email list, or something else essential.

4).  Is the instructor an expert on the subject?

Before purchasing a course, there are several things you need to ask about the instructor.  First, how long have they been blogging?  It’s unlikely that someone who has been blogging for less than a year or two would have the experience to teach you anything.  Blogging has a steep learning curve, and it often takes that long to learn the basics, much less be able to explain them to someone else.   Also, are they an expert in the area they are attempting to teach?  A good instructor won’t hesitate to provide you with their stats in the area they are teaching.  Is it an email course?  Ask how many subscribers they have.  An expert in the field will have the stats to back up their claims.

5).  What are other people saying?

Perhaps one of the best indicators of how successful a blogging course can be is the success of its former participants.  Were they satisfied?  Trust me, people will tell you, especially if it was a bad experience.  So ask around before purchasing.  It’s likely they even have some testimonials posted, so be sure to check these out.

Some classes I can wholeheartedly recommend:

I’m sure there are other great courses out there, these are just ones that I personally have had experience with.

So there you have it, my tips on purchasing a blogging education course.  Have you ever bought a blogging course?   What do you look for before laying down the cash?

While you are here, you will want to read this . . .

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jen Merckling

    Great tips, Erin! It is so hard to know where to put all your energy and resources at the beginning–such words of wisdom!!

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