Morning Devotions for Christian Entrepreneurs

As a Christian business owner, I know the importance of putting Christ at the center of my business. I also know the fruits that come along with giving Christ the first {and best} part of my day. Each morning, before anyone else in my house is awake, before the world and my giant to do list comes knocking at my door, I sit down with my Bible and hot cup of coffee, and I do the daily scripture readings for that day. I spend time in prayer asking God how I can apply the readings to not only my everyday life, but in the life of my business as well. I cherish this time, and I truly don’t believe that I could be successful without it. It hasn’t always been this way for me though. There were many years when I let my morning prayer and devotion time fall to the back burner because I was “too busy”…and let me tell you, my life and my business suffered because of it. I’ve learned to realize that I can do nothing well apart from Christ.

What about you?

Do you pray for your business daily?

Do you ask the Holy Spirit to lead you throughout your workday?

Is Christ at the center of your business?

If you have a desire to do better in this area, join me for the next 10 weeks as we strive for a deeper relationship with Christ in the midst of being busy business owners. Each weekday morning, you’ll receive a business-related devotion straight to your inbox. The goal of these devotions is to get you thinking about your business through the lens of Christ, to help you place Him in control of your business. Are you in?

If so, simply enter your name and email address into the form below! The first devotion will arrive in your inbox the next weekday.

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Morning Devotions for the Christian Entrepreneur