Gutenberg 101 Tutorials

Have you heard the buzz in the blogging community about Gutenberg?

Ready or not, it’s coming…and you MUST be prepared!

Let me help take some of the confusion and stress away! Gutenberg really isn’t all that scary. It’s just new. It is natural to be a bit apprehensive about a major change such as this, but stick with me through these Gutenberg 101 tutorials and I’ll show you all that Gutenberg has to offer and maybe you’ll see that it really isn’t so scary after all!

Gutenberg 101- Free Online Tutorials for Bloggers

Tutorial 1- What is Gutenberg and Why Should I Care?

Tutorial 2- Writing a Post or Page in Gutenberg- It’s all about the blocks!

Tutorial 3- Post, Page, and Block Settings in Gutenberg

Tutorial 4- Editing the HTML in Gutenberg + Keyboard Shortcuts

Tutorial 5- Advantages + Hurdles of Gutenberg

Tutorial 6- I Hate Gutenberg! How to Revert to the Classic Editor

Download your FREE Gutenberg Prep Checklist here!