My Top 5 Favorite Blogging Tools

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I’m closing in on my blog‘s one year anniversary!  And wow–what an amazing year it’s been!  I’ve learned so much…and there was a lot to learn those first few months!  There is still so much to learn, but at least I have my bearings, a rhythm, and I don’t feel like I’m drowning anymore (at least not most days)!  So take heart, new bloggers–it gets much easier!  If you’re at the starting line of your own blog (or you’re like me and love learning what tools other bloggers are using)–I’ve got a list of my top 5 favorite blogging tools.  The tools I think are essential for getting your blog up and running and on the road to profitability!

So, in no particular order, here’s my list of must-have blogging tools…

1) Canva

Canva is a design tool–I use it to create images for my posts and Pinterest pins.  I had zero clues about Pinterest or designing pins before I started blogging–and some days Pinterest still has me all sorts of confused!  But–creating images for Pinterest is CRITICAL for your blog.  If you have a great post, but no great image for your readers to save onto a Pinterest board…it’s a huge loss in potential traffic to your blog!  Nothing makes me more disappointed than to read a wonderful post, filled with lots of helpful information–and then have no way to share it on Pinterest!

(The ideal size of a Pinterest image seems to change–currently, I’m going with a 600 x 900 pixel size for most of my pins.).   I always use Canva to create an image for the top of my blog posts which includes the title of my post and is a pinnable size.  For posts on my blog, I also create a feature image–which uses Facebook proportions (1200 x 630 pixels)–these are the images that show up on my homepage and when I share the post on Facebook.

In addition to creating images and pins for my blog posts–Canva is a priceless tool for creating products!  I use Canva to create all my free subscriber resources (Here’s one example–all done on Canva!)

Canva has a free program–but also a “work plan.” I personally use the work plan because I love being able to download custom fonts, create a brand color palate, and have greater access to their free templates and photos.  (Here’s a link to their pricing!)

2) Tailwind

So right along the lines of creating pins for your blog posts–let’s talk about getting those beautiful pins out there to be shared on Pinterest!  Pinterest has been one of the trickier social media platforms for me to master–but it is also one of the most important for bloggers!  And because I’m relatively new to Pinterest–I really needed to get some extra help in this area!  Tailwind is a great tool for scheduling your pins to be shared on Pinterest–no more hours of manual pinning or worrying about keeping up with Pinterest all day!  Pinterest rewards consistency, and Tailwind is critical for helping me keep up a regular presence on Pinterest.  I also love using their tribes!  Tailwind tribes are much easier for a new blogger to join than traditional Pinterest Group Boards–plus sharing is mandatory…so your pins are much more likely be shared!

3) Facebook Pixel and Pinterest Tag

I’m a huge fan of using Facebook and Pinterest promotions for getting your posts and products out in front of the right audience (here’s some info on using Facebook to increase your page views)!  In order to do that effectively–you have to be using Facebook pixel and Pinterest tag! (You can read more about creating Facebook ads here.)

4) ConvertKit

ConvertKit is an email provider for businesses.  One of the most important things do when starting off your new baby blog is to get your email list built up (it took me awhile to grasp the importance)!  Hello–direct access to your target audience…total lightbulb moment for me!!  You need to do it!  Get going on building an email list–this is foundational!  There are a variety of providers out there–but ConvertKit is one of the best.  I’ve had nothing but a great experience with them!

5) Combine PDF

One great way to build up your email list is to create a freebie for your subscribers! As I mentioned–I love using Canva to create my products…However, after creating single PDF documents on Canva, I needed a way to combine the individual pages into one larger pdf product. is a free tool and has been essential in creating my final projects!

Happy Blogging

So that’s it–my top 5 favorite blogging tools!  What blogging tools do you find essential?  Please feel free to share–I love learning what is working for other bloggers!

While you are here, you will want to read this . . .

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