5 Differences Between a Mommy Blog and A Homeschool Blog

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5 Differences Between a Mommy Blog and a Homeschool Blog:

To try to categorize blogs to fit nice and neatly into one little package isn’t realistic. Each blog is different. The writing styles are different, the voice of the blogger is different, the layout and structure of content are different, nothing is the same, nor should it be. Blogs can be found in almost every corner of the world and every topic seems to be covered. Is it mind-boggling to think about the number of blogs found on the Internet? Absolutely. Are enough readers and followers available for everyone? Absolutely. Many blogs seem to do incredibly well.  Why? Every blogger is unique. The bloggers that perform the best have an innate ability to share content that readers enjoy. We live in a digital age where everyone craves and wants information now. Blogs are a great way to get information, ideas and insight. As long as a blog continues to produce great content, there will be people who will want to read it.

Although each blogger has a unique style, some blogs can tend to regurgitate information or seem to have an overlap of information. Two blogging subjects that often fall into the same category are homeschooling blogs and mommy blogs. Although each is different, both have similarities such as homeschool, children, family, cooking, cleaning, etc.

5 Differences between a Homeschool Blog and a Mommy Blog

  1. Homeschool blogs tend to focus mainly on one topic: homeschooling. You’ll read a plethora of information from how to get started to homeschooling high schoolers, tips, experiences and everything in between. The foundation of a homeschool blog has an educational atmosphere and focuses on ways to educate your child in and around your home and town. Mommy blogs, on the other hand, focus on all things Mommy. Changing diapers, birthing stories, parenting fails, kid-friendly activities, cooking, etc. While there may be some overlapping in talking about education and how to parent, they tend to stick mainly to their areas of expertise.
  2. Mommy blogs often have a lighter tone with less structure. They focus on life experiences and often extremely funny and cute stories. They are an easy read that often makes the heart and mind happy, as the reader is able to relate to the blogger.
  3. Product promotion is also something that you may see quite frequently on both mommy blogs and homeschool blogs. Mommy blogs promote products from toys and children hygiene products to mommy products, including beauty products, kitchen gadgets and everything in between. Ads are placed throughout the blog as a way for the blogger to earn affiliate money. Every time a reader clicks the link and purchases a product from a website (e.g. Amazon, Walmart, etc.), the mommy blogger earns a commission from that sale!
  4. Homeschool blogs will also have product promotion, but their products gravitate towards books, curriculum and education related material. Although baby and toddler toys can be found on a homeschooling blog, typically, the products range from 1st grade through 12th grade. Homeschool blogs usually have a variation of affiliate links and the blogger’s store links found on the blogsite.
  5. While it isn’t always the case, many homeschool blogs have a Christian undertone. Intertwined in the content is often a focus on faith and family. Again, not all contain this content, but many more do.

As you can see, homeschool blogs and mommy blogs have similarities, but vast differences as well. The structure of the individual blogger’s website and content will vary from blog to blog. Many people will follow both blogs because, well, they have an interest in each area – a mommy who also homeschools. Get out there and find a blog that provides detailed information and makes you feel you’re not alone in your triumphs and struggles as both a mommy and a blogger.


5 Differences Between a Homeschool Blog and a Mom Blog

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