things to consider before setting up multiple blogs

Things to Consider Before Setting up Multiple Blogs

Perhaps you run a blog that talks about multiple niches, or you’ve been debating setting up multiple blogs to earn more money. If you’re thinking about setting up multiple blogs, it doesn’t really matter the reason why. What does matter is that you consider the following things before setting up multiple blogs. Different Target Audience

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ultimate beginners guide to creating a sales funnel

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Sales Funnel

Have you been struggling with the conversion rate in your online business or site? Your lead generation is perfect. You have a lot of visitors to your site but they are not converting into subscribers or paying customers. If you answered yes to this question, you need a sales funnel to improve your conversion rate.

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Blogging Tips: How to Increase Pageviews and Drive Down Promotion Costs with Targeted Facebook Campaigns

Increase Pageviews and Drive Down Promotion Costs

My biggest surprise as a new blogger: Blogging is so much than writing that perfect post!  Pouring out your heart and soul into a blog post or product is just the beginning!  I quickly learned to get your work in front of the right audience—well, that’s a whole other beast!  Because, let’s face it—we want

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3 Debilitating blogging fears and how to overcome them,

3 Debilitating Blogging Fears and How to Overcome Them

Blogging is a platform that allows you to deliver a message, serve people solutions to their problems and at the same time, create multiple streams of income. Those may take the form of affiliate commissions, your own product sales, offering services, and many more. When it comes to marketing and selling your products and services,

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Ten Ways To Lose Blog Readers

Top 10 Ways to Lose Blog Readers

After reading Platform by Michael Hyatt, I found myself wondering if I’m doing some of the things he lists as ways to lose blog readers. Top 10 Ways to Lose Blog Readers #1: Post Too Often // #2: Post Too Seldom These really go together. Find out how often your readers want to hear from

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How to Pitch a Business for Sponsorship on your Blog

How to Pitch to Businesses for Sponsorship on Your Blog

Brands are finally beginning to notice that brand recognition and product promotion is best done with the help of a blogger. Selling to homesteaders who live in large cities? There’s a blog for that. Need an audience of women over 50 who travel? There’s a blog for that. How about moms who cook from scratch

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5 Reasons You Should Be Guest Posting {no matter how long you've been blogging}

5 Reasons You Should Be Guest Posting

If you’re a reader of blogs, you’ve seen guest posts. We all have. But did you know guest posting is a key element to blogging success? Whatever place or level of blogging you’re at, guest posting offers big benefits to you. 5 Reasons You Should Be Guest Posting 1. You’ll be seen by a larger

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Are "blogging" blocks and distractions halting your blogging progress? Here are 7 ways to beat it!

7 Tips to Beat Bloggers’ Block and Distraction

I don’t know about you, but when I grab a bit of time to blog, it sometimes happens during our hour of quiet rest time in the afternoon, but most often after the kids go to bed at night. By then, I’m pretty much fried. I blog because I feel called to minister to other

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How to Write Amazing Product Reviews

So, You Want To Write Reviews

Curriculum vendors sending you hundreds of dollars worth of stuff for free and all you’ve got to do is post about it on your blog? Sounds like a good gig, but there’s much more to writing reviews than that. Writing quality reviews requires an investment of time on your part (and often your children’s part),

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How to Use Affiliate Links in Blog Posts

How to Use Affiliate Links in Blog Posts

  Let’s face it, earning affiliate commissions helps support your blog and your family. But, most readers do not want to read blogs with a lot of hype about buying products. They want to know more about you and read stories about your life or your niche. So, how can you include affiliate links without

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Tips for being an introverted blogger in a very social world

Confessions of The Introverted Homeschool Blogger

Introverts can be successful in carving out a place for themselves, even in the non-stop conversation of social media, by blogging with their unique social style in mind. Most of us are naturally interested in what makes people tick, and when we can use that information to understand ourselves and others, it’s a very good

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Homeschool Bloggers: Are you truly living a life worth blogging about?

Homeschool Blogger, Are You Living a Life Worth Blogging About?

Sometimes I write blog posts in pen and paper while sitting outside with the kids.  Pen and paper don’t steal my attention the way a computer can so I am free to interact and enjoy the beautiful weather and my beautiful children.  I can easily set my notebook aside without a thought of it getting

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