Blog Design: What is above the fold? And what should be included there?

6 Design Essentials for Above the Fold

Have you heard the term “put first things first”? It’s a call to make the most important things priority. Whether you have a blog, a brand website, or both, there are 6 design essentials that should always come first. And by first, I mean above the fold. Above the fold refers to the area of

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6 Common Mistakes New Bloggers Make

6 Common Mistakes New Bloggers Make

Being a new blogger is full of challenges. It seems like the blogging world speaks a language all of its own. Aside from the technical aspects of blogging that challenges most newbies, these are a few common mistakes that many new bloggers make: Blog designs that aren’t visually appealing When you have white on black

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find your blogging voice

How to Find Your Blog Voice

Your blog needs to have a voice. In order to have a successful blog, you need a tribe. You need that community of people interested in what you have to say and with whom you can relate. How do you do that? By finding your blog’s voice. A Voice Gives Your Blog a Personality I

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Why Be a Homeschool Blogger? The top 7 reasons why you should consider being a homeschool blogger

Why Be a Homeschool Blogger?

You spend your days creating lesson plans, solving problems, and meeting needs.  You live a good, but busy life.  So, why would you even want to bother writing about it on a blog? The reasons are as numerous as the books you’ve managed to cram in your bookshelves!  Here are just a few: 1.  Blogging

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Homeschool Blogging is Relaunching SOON!

Thanks for dropping by, and pardon our dust! has recently undergone a change in ownership and the all-new will be launching very soon! On the new and improved Homeschool Blogging, you will find: blogging and social media tips and tricks how-to’s and tutorials related to all things blogging/social media information on how to

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