How to Promote a Bundle Sale {and NOT annoy your readers!}

If you’ve been blogging for any amount of time, you’ve likely heard of bundle sales. Maybe you’ve even purchased or contributed to a bundle.  But what happens when it is time to promote a bundle sale? Where do you start? How can you make it successful? Being a contributor or an affiliate for a bundle

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need a virtual assistant

So You’re Ready to Hire a Virtual Assistant

There comes a time in everyone’s blogging journey that you begin to realize that you simply can not do everything that is required in the blogging world. After all, marketing your content is a full-time job and that doesn’t even include actually writing the content, creating products, writing emails and your regular website upkeep. All

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5 Reasons You Aren't Making Money From Your Blog

5 Reasons You Aren’t Making Money From Your Blog

Almost everyone these days has a blog – or so it seems.  Everyone starts a blog with the notion that soon enough, they will be swimming in cash and taking limitless trips to exotic places.  After a few months, and without having made a dime from their blog, many of them simply give up on

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how to find your blogging niche

Five Questions That Will Help You Find Your Blogging Niche

Starting a brand new blog can be extremely exciting, but it can also be a little stressful. After all, there are lots of big decisions to make that have a long-term impact on the overall success of your blog. One of those biggest decisions you’ll have to make revolves around your blogging niche. What on

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Discovering Your Brand Identity

Discovering Your Brand Identity

Before you jump into designing your site or market a product you must first develop your brand identity. Brand identity is simply the face of your business. It tells your customers what your business is about and your brand personality. How to Discover Your Brand Identity Brand identity is not to be confused with branding

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How to Use Blogging as Part of Your Homeschool Writing Curriculum

How to Use Blogging as Part of Your Homeschool Writing Curriculum

Is your child interested in starting a blog? Do they enjoy writing or, perhaps, need to practice their writing skills? If so, blogging can be a great addition to your homeschool writing curriculum. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Have a Morning Blog Writing Session Many productivity experts recommend doing the big

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how to launch a blog

How to Launch a Blog: 20 BEST Practice Tips

Do you want to know how to launch a successful blog? Well, your desire for a great blog is a good start. But that desire is also held by millions of other newbie and prospective bloggers. What tips do you need to ensure that your blog thrives after its launch date? I agree with you

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ultimate beginners guide to creating a sales funnel

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Sales Funnel

Have you been struggling with the conversion rate in your online business or site? Your lead generation is perfect. You have a lot of visitors to your site but they are not converting into subscribers or paying customers. If you answered yes to this question, you need a sales funnel to improve your conversion rate.

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How to Revert from Gutenberg to the Classic Editor

This is Tutorial 6 in the Gutenberg 101 series. When Gutenberg is released with WordPress 5.0 the old classic editor will go away. It will no longer be included in the WordPress core. If you don’t want to use the new Gutenberg editor then you will need to download and install the new Classic Editor

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10 Ways to Build Community Among Your Blog Readers

People start blogging for a number of reasons: they might do so to share a message they’re passionate about, as a business that creates income for their family, or to establish themselves as an authority in their field. No matter what your reasons for blogging are, building a sense of community among your blog readers

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10 Ways to Stand Out As An Influencer

10 Ways to Stand Out As An Influencer

The demand for influencer marketing is on the rise – brands know it works. Bloggers and those who are active on social media hold tremendous power when it comes to recommending products and services. In fact, according to a poll conducted by Tomoson, a company that connects influencers with brands, businesses generate $6.50 in revenue

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mistakes new blogger

6 Mistakes I Made As A New Blogger

It is very easy to get carried away as a new blogger, make mistakes and lose focus on the things that truly matter. When I think of my days as a new blogger, I always think about a roller coaster ride and its blend of emotions. I wasn’t aware of the lessons of blogging 101.

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blog burnout

4 Ways to Deal with Blogging Burn-Out

Blogging is hard work. It isn’t just sitting down to write a few words here and there and carrying on with your day. There is a lot of strategizing, designing, and behind the scenes details that you must figure out. When you spend hours upon hours working through those things, day after day, you will

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bloggers plan

Why Bloggers Need to Plan Ahead

Blogging not only takes a lot of time, but it also requires you to be aware of the importance of timing in regards to your content and resources. There will be days when you’re inspired to write and publish things immediately, however, the better you plan ahead the more freedom, flexibility and traffic you’ll gain.

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Instagram Hashtags for Homeschool Bloggers

Instagram Hashtags for Homeschool Bloggers

In the blogging world, hashtags are key! Instagram is notorious for hashtags and, as a blogger, being able to use them effectively and efficiently can be a great way to get noticed by partners and grow your Instagram community. Just how many hashtags are there? Millions! But, the great thing about hashtags for homeschool bloggers

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4 Ways to Save Time (and Sanity) as a Blogger

4 Ways to Save Time (and Sanity) as a Blogger

When I first started blogging, I truly had no clue what I was getting myself into.  Over the past year, I have thrown myself into learning everything I can about this industry, and I wanted to share some simple but effective ways to save time and sanity. Blogging is a great way to both build

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how to write a blog post

5 Vital Steps to a Polished Blog Post

As a professional editor, I have read, edited, and proofread many articles. When something comes across my desk, I usually read through it quickly and can judge right away how much time it will take me to edit. (Admittedly, I prefer working with writers whose articles don’t require a large amount of time to work

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Top 10 Blogging Balance Tips and Tricks for Weary Moms

Top 10 Blogging Balance Tips and Tricks for Weary Moms Blogging balance can seem non-existent because blogging can become all-consuming if you let it. A bloggers work is truly never done! There is always more that can be done to further your blog as a ministry or business. With professional blogging, the more time you

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5 questions before purchasing blogging course

5 Questions to Ask Before Purchasing a Blogging Course

Blogging education, it seems like everyone talks about it, especially in the beginning.  Blogging is not the way to become an overnight millionaire so any expenditure, no matter how small, can seem extreme in the beginning.  You definitely don’t want to waste money on a course that won’t be beneficial or practical to your business. 

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30 Days to SEO Mastery

According to a recent study, 90% of all internet traffic originates from a search engine! If you are a blogger and/or business owner haven’t been focusing on SEO {search engine optimization}, you are missing out on a TON of traffic. Like you, I had heard other bloggers and business owners go on and on about

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Feeling overwhelmed? Here are few few tips for taking a break from blogging like a BOSS

How to Take a Break from Blogging Like a BOSS

There are times that taking a break from your blog will be necessary. It may be for personal reasons like the birth of a new baby or a family vacation, or it may be for professional reasons like the publication of a book or even mental burnout. The key to taking a blogging break is

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Developing a Blogging Routine for Success

Creating a Blogging Routine for Success

Routine is always big when it comes to balancing a home. Yet, as a blogger balance is something that we can seem to place on the back burner. It’s hard to remember that a strong routine needs to be in place in order succeed in both homeschooling and blogging. We know we need it and

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5 Places to Promote Your Blog Posts

5 Places to Promote Your Blog Posts

Ninety-five percent of blogs fail, and the main reason isn’t because of lack of content. The reason so many blogs fail before they even get started is that they don’t get enough readership! If you are looking for more exposure on your site, it may be time to do a little promotion. Here are five

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5 Differences Between a Mommy Blog and A Homeschool Blog

5 Differences Between a Mommy Blog and a Homeschool Blog: To try to categorize blogs to fit nice and neatly into one little package isn’t realistic. Each blog is different. The writing styles are different, the voice of the blogger is different, the layout and structure of content are different, nothing is the same, nor

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Finding Your Voice as a New Blogger

Finding Your Voice as a New Blogger

If you are a new blogger, you have probably found out that the learning curve can be a bit steep at times. There are so many choices available to us, and to be honest, blogging has grown a lot over the past few years. Out of all the lessons that a new blogger will learn,

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I had no blog income, but I was still making a few hundred dollars from Instagram sponsored posts each month. Your story might be different, but the end game is still the same. We want to reach people, grow, and make some income. If you're still wondering why bloggers should use Instagram, keep reading.

3 Reasons Bloggers Should Use Instagram

Some four(?) years ago, before I ever started blogging, I was completely enveloped in the world of Instagram. I had been using my personal account as a virtual journal; using photos to capture the everyday moments of our lives and captions to give a vivid account of them. I really believe all bloggers should use

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Blogging Tips: How to Increase Pageviews and Drive Down Promotion Costs with Targeted Facebook Campaigns

Increase Pageviews and Drive Down Promotion Costs

My biggest surprise as a new blogger: Blogging is so much than writing that perfect post!  Pouring out your heart and soul into a blog post or product is just the beginning!  I quickly learned to get your work in front of the right audience—well, that’s a whole other beast!  Because, let’s face it—we want

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priorities bloggers must not forget

3 Priorities Bloggers Must Not Neglect

As a blogger, I would have to say that one of the hardest things for me has been finding balance and keeping my priorities in place.  It is so easy to get consumed with all that comes with running a blog! I realized one day that I was putting my blog before things that were

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things to expect as a new blogger

5 Things to Expect as a New Blogger

So you’ve decided to take the leap and become a blogger?  I’ve been right where you are.  I have stood on that cliff, ready to take the plunge into the blogosphere.  It wasn’t that long ago, not even a year to be exact, that I dove in head first.  I was just a girl with a

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How to Grow Your Email List Fast

You have 23 email subscribers and you don’t know what you’re doing wrong. The only people who are reading your blog are your family members and friends and they’re not even your target audience. You want to grow your blog income and traffic but you’re struggling with creating content and keeping up with Facebook, Pinterest,

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Why You Need a Blogging Group

Blogging is hard work! You are working to grow your blog, spending precious hours to write posts, create images, and promote your content. Yet, you are finding that it is really difficult to market your blog alone. You might not have a budget to hire someone to help you. You might have questions about technical

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Eight Important Things You Should Know Before Hiring a Blog Designer - Blogging

8 Important Things To Know Before Hiring A Blog Designer

You have been blogging for a while using a free theme and have earned some money. You are now ready to make your website stand out from the crowd. It is time to hire a website designer! Here are the top 8 things to know before you hire a blog designer: 1) What is the

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How to Create a Media Kit for your Blog or Website

How to Create a Media Kit

Have you ever wondered, “How do I create a media kit?” Media kits are useful in the blogging world as you seek to grow your blog, work with brands, and network with other bloggers, but creating a media can seem a bit overwhelming. In this post, I hope to cover the basics of creating a

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Meet the Homeschool Blogging Connection Team

The Homeschool Blogging Connection Team is the face of The current team is comprised of a highly-selective group of 24 professional homeschooling bloggers! The Homeschool Blogging Connection Team is dedicated to serving the homeschooling community in a variety of ways including: providing resources and encouragement through various collaborative projects {giveaways, series, blog hops, etc} connecting

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Easy to follow tips for becoming a successful blogger

4 Tips for Becoming a Successful Blogger

Blogging is so easy. All you need to do is find a blog platform, sign up and start writing, right? Right. To be a successful blogger, however, is a different thing. Blogging is one of the best ways to make money on the internet, but it must be approached with focus, passion and dedication. There

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Blog Design: What is above the fold? And what should be included there?

6 Design Essentials for Above the Fold

Have you heard the term “put first things first”? It’s a call to make the most important things priority. Whether you have a blog, a brand website, or both, there are 6 design essentials that should always come first. And by first, I mean above the fold. Above the fold refers to the area of

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6 Common Mistakes New Bloggers Make

6 Common Mistakes New Bloggers Make

Being a new blogger is full of challenges. It seems like the blogging world speaks a language all of its own. Aside from the technical aspects of blogging that challenges most newbies, these are a few common mistakes that many new bloggers make: Blog designs that aren’t visually appealing When you have white on black

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find your blogging voice

How to Find Your Blog Voice

Your blog needs to have a voice. In order to have a successful blog, you need a tribe. You need that community of people interested in what you have to say and with whom you can relate. How do you do that? By finding your blog’s voice. A Voice Gives Your Blog a Personality I

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