7 Ways To Avoid Burnout While Homeschooling And Blogging

Blogging and homeschooling are full-time jobs. Both jobs demand your time, energy and lots of effort. This past summer, I had a major burnout and had to take 2 months off of blogging. I was just mentally exhausted. So I needed to come up with a plan to guide me. Here are 7 ways to

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mistakes new blogger

6 Mistakes I Made As A New Blogger

It is very easy to get carried away as a new blogger, make mistakes and lose focus on the things that truly matter. When I think of my days as a new blogger, I always think about a roller coaster ride and its blend of emotions. I wasn’t aware of the lessons of blogging 101.

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How To Create A Shutdown Routine

Do you have a shutdown routine at the end of the day? I recently started implementing a routine in the evening that has been immensely helpful. Before I had a routine, I was going to bed terribly stressed. My mind would be floating with all the incomplete, undone tasks, which led to a sleepless night.

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