Building an Effective Email List

Are you ready to take your blogging career to the next level?

Are you tired of algorithm changes affecting your blog traffic?

Are you ready to turn your blogging hobby into a full-time income?

Are you looking for a more effective way of connecting with your blog readers?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, effective email marketing is your solution.


I began my blog, what is now, in 2012. Later that year, I lost my job and a few months later, my husband was laid off. It was then that I knew I had to turn my blogging hobby into a full-time income. Tired of algorithm changes resulting in decreased traffic and decreased income, I knew that I was missing something. I sent out my first email newsletter to my list of 700 subscribers and immediately saw an increase in traffic and affiliate commissions.

It was then that I knew I had found my secret weapon. I was now a woman on a mission. In nine months, I grew my list from 700 subscribers to over 70,000 subscribers, was consistently receiving over 500,000 monthly pageviews, and was making $10,000-$20,000 each month.

Currently, I have surpassed 100,000 subscribers,  receive nearly one million pageviews each month, and have more than tripled our household income. All of my blogging success can directly be contributed to building an effective email list.

I want you to have the same level of success!

My eight week intensive, hands-on, email marketing course will help you:

  • understand email marketing and choose an email service provider that will help you achieve your goals
  • discover and implement at least 5 new ways to build your email list
  • discover and implement methods of nurturing your email list to produce engaged subscribers
  • understand statistics and best practices to improve the health of your email list.
  • discover and implement new income sources directly related to your email list
  • better meet the needs of your readers through advanced practices of segmentation
  • learn how to create effective automations and drip campaigns/sales funnels

I will be your guide through this process, coaching you each step of the way. You will have direct access to me for questions and critiques throughout the course. Each week you will receive video instruction, assignments, and discussion questions. The course will be run in a group setting, so you will also be able to receive suggestions and input from other participants.

You have lifetime access to all materials in the course.

Click here to sign up now!

I recently had the honor of speaking about email marketing at a blogging conference. An attendee took a few of my suggestions and went home and implemented them on her blog. The image below shows you the growth in her email list in only three weeks!


Those lines on the graph each represent 1,000 subscribers— in three weeks! The 45-minute session she attended at the conference didn’t even contain a tenth of the information you will receive in this course. If this is the kind of growth she has seen after only implementing a couple of the practices she learned during the session, imagine what kind of growth you will experience in 8 weeks of training!

See what past participants have to say about the course:

“I love the personal attention, accountability, and learning so many new tips when I thought nothing would be new to me. I’m only half way through the course and sales of my products have tripled. I’m a happy, happy blogger!”- Tauna, Proverbial Homemaker 

“I have purchased courses to build my blog in the past that I didn’t use. I almost didn’t purchase the Building an Effective Email List course because I thought I knew it all. It would be more money down the drain. I can’t tell you how glad I am that I bought this course anyway. There are three things that make this course different than anything I’ve taken before: 1) The motivation to do the work is huge. Like a great coach, Heather reminds me that I won’t have her help to do these tasks later. You WILL take the steps you’ve been putting off. 2) The group aspect of the course is genius. Instead of just chatting about the course content, the small groups critique one another. You have the opportunity to see how other bloggers implement the assignments and your own site benefits. 3) The time and attention Heather gives you is above and beyond what you would expect for a course at this price point. She made me an individual video to help me! I’m still reeling over that. She has offered to spend whatever time is needed to help others resolve struggles with the technical aspect of the course. I feel like I’ve been allowed to pick Heather’s brain every bit as much as if she were my private coach. You will regret not purchasing this course. Just do it! -Melanie Wilson, Psycho with 6.

“As a blogger, I’ve taken several classes on growing a readership, monetizing, and navigating social media. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on these courses, only to feel disappointed in the material. Lack of practical tips and teacher involvement left me with a poor return of investment. Not so with Heather’s course. For the first time, I feel I’m getting a grip on understanding how to grow and nurture my list. Heather’s first hand experience, coupled with practical, useable information makes this class worth well more than the price tag. Heather has created a valuable resource for both new and seasoned bloggers. and I wish I had this information years ago.” – Sara Elizabeth, A Mama’s Story

“Heather’s list-building course was just what I needed to energize my list and to learn how to monetize effectively. The weekly assignments were thought out and practical. The videos were instructional and easily understood. Heather was there for me whenever I needed one-on-one help, too! I highly recommend this for anyone wanting to learn how to become a professional blogger!” -Anne Marie, Future Flying Saucers

“Signing up for Heather’s course on building an effective email list is a decision I don’t regret! Even though I’ve been blogging for over four years, I never really knew how to build and grow my list, or even what to include in my emails.
Heather did a great job in guiding us through the different steps to grow, nurture ,and engage our list. She thoroughly covered all the information we needed and set it a up in easy steps. On top of that, she has been available to answer questions the entire time, and give help where needed as we worked through the assignments.
The course is SO practical, making it easy to immediately implement what was being taught. I have already seen my subscriber numbers and open rates increase, and have also been getting a lot more interaction and feedback from my readers. This course did NOT disappoint!” – Kathie, The Character Corner

“Heather’s “Building an Effective Email List” ecourse is just what it says- effective! This ecourse has given me practical and hands on tools to not just build my list, but to know how to effectively manage and care for the list I have. I have seen growth since starting the course, and Heather gives one-on-one attention to each client. I also loved the small group atmosphere where I have been able to connect with other bloggers and cheer each other on! I recommend this course to both new and long time bloggers – everyone can benefit from this!” – Mandy, Worshipful Living

“I’ve been a blogger for over 5 years and have found it difficult to come up with an effective email strategy that works. Heather’s course was just what I needed! It laid out everything that I needed to do in easy to follow steps. She was very hands on with the course and helped walk me through the more difficult parts until I fully understood and grasped the concept. This course has changed the way I see my business!” – Jenny, The Relaxed Homeschool

“Building an Effective Email List eCourse has literally changed the way I blog. I have taken several courses over the years, but never have I had an experience like this one. Heather’s approach is very hands-on, which is exactly what I need. This course is packed full of important information, and the videos and downloads, along with Heather’s accessibility, guidance, and feedback make it invaluable. It is like having a personal coach for 8 weeks, but then you have lifetime access to the materials! And the encouragement and accountability of the other class members are an added benefit. Heather has truly helped me take my blogging to a new level.”- Anne, Learning Table