Blogging for Money or Product: The Win-Win Situation Method

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There is much talk of whether or not bloggers should work with companies for money or for product.  Many are of the mindset that bloggers spend a lot of time writing posts and promoting product and deserve to be paid in lieu of or in addition to any product the company they are working with may offer.  While at the same time, many new bloggers are more than happy to work long hours writing posts and promoting for whatever product the company sends their way.

I’m here to offer a middle ground and a voice of reason between these two camps because I believe each situation is unique and there isn’t any over-arching blogging law that determines who is right and who is wrong. However, I do want to introduce you to a concept that will help you decide what is right for you.

As a blogger, should you work for money or product? Here are a few ways to decide.

It’s called the Win-Win Situation Method.

When bloggers work with companies, there must be benefit to both the blogger and the company.  The company is looking for name and brand recognition, SEO, and sales.  The blogger must be looking for a comparable benefit – a Win-Win situation.  This might come in the way of a reputation for working with companies or a product you have been wanting to use in your homeschool or monetary compensation.  It might even be as simple as feeling good about being able to help promote a company you believe in.  Whatever it is, the benefit must be equal to what the company is receiving from you.

Bloggers work hard.  We write meaningful posts, put together giveaways, promote like crazy and we deserve to be compensated fairly.  However, in order for this to take place, we must know our value and be willing to only work on projects that return as much as we give.

But, only you can decide what that looks like.

You don’t always have to work for money.  But, you don’t always have to work for free either.  Every single project you take on must be weighed on this scale or you will more than likely find yourself resentful of all the work you are doing for companies who don’t seem to appreciate you as a blogger.

So, next time you are presented an opportunity to work with a company, consider these things before jumping in:
1. What can I offer this company?
2. How will the company benefit from what I offer?
3. What is the company offering me?
4. How does what they are offering benefit me?
5. Are we both getting something beneficial out of this partnership?
6. Is this a Win-Win Situation?

And don’t hesitate to negotiate!  Many companies are new to working with bloggers and don’t know how to navigate these types of advertising relationships.  It’s up to you to extend a hand and explain your terms.

One additional thing to keep in mind. If you do decide to accept a product for compensation in return for advertising for a particular brand, you are still responsible for paying taxes on the value of said product. In relation to taxes, the product is a form of compensation and must be claimed.

If at the end of the day, you can look yourself and your blog in the mirror and say, “I’m pleased with the final result of this project,” then you have a Win-Win Situation that is just the right for you and your blog!

This post was originally published in 2012 for It was updated, edited, and republished in 2018 by Heather Bowen, owner.


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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Heidi

    These are great points Heather! “Free” isn’t always free when it comes to receiving product. Especially after you consider your time and I didn’t even think about the tax aspect. Taking the time to really look at what both sides will get out of it is such good advice. I just had a company contact me and I had to ask several clarifying questions of them to decide it wasn’t right for me. It can be so hard to say no. Your ideas give a clear way to simplify the process and put our blogging as a business into perspective. Thank you!

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